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on 22-06-2022 03:06 PM
Browse the community for help and advice. To start a new conversation, reply to posts and give likes – all that good stuff – you’ll need to register for an account.
Boards: Our boards are listed at the top of each page on the community. Posts on these boards are created by community members. Everyone else can then leave a reply.
Let's talk: The community team post conversation starters from time to time to engage on various topics. Community members can add thoughts and reactions in the comments.
Profile: Your profile page is all about you. Set an avatar, show off your badges and select your viewing preferences.
Searching: Got a question? Someone might’ve already asked it. Type a few keywords into the search bar at the top of any community page to see what’s out there.
Posting: Can’t find what you’re looking for? You can ‘Start a conversation’ and make a new post.
To make sure your post gets attention, start with a descriptive title. ‘How do I transfer my contacts from iPhone to Android?’ works a lot better than ‘Help!!’ or ‘☹’
You’ll need to choose at least one filter. This helps everyone find posts they’re interested in, and ones they might be able to help with.
Keep private or sensitive information private and try not to post the same question or answer in several places. Give the community a chance to notice your post.
Replying: Seen a query you think you can help with? Get involved. Click the reply button, or type into the quick reply box to leave a comment. If the thread is long, you can click the speech marks on the toolbar to quote the original message.
Reporting: If you find a post or reply to be offensive, please report it to the moderators rather than replying.
Likes and Accepted Solutions: Give helpful posts a ‘Like’ to show your appreciation. If a reply solves your query, then select ‘Accept as Solution’. This helps everyone find the right answer and boosts your post.
You can also click on a member’s profile to see how many likes they’ve given and received, and any accepted solutions they’ve provided. Keep an eye on the leader boards to see who’s dishing out the top tips.
Remember that suggestions from other users are based on their own opinions and experiences. Our moderators will do their best to sense check replies, but solutions may vary or not be right for you. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the internet.
Where our moderators answer your post directly, the information will be correct at time of publishing and may be subject to change. If you’re ever unsure, please reach out to the Community team to ask.
Check out our FAQs for guidance and take time to read through the community house rules. We want this to be a safe space for everyone.