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Help! Complaints/customer service team is useless


So my problem of receiving threatening messages from CRS - messages that are meant for someone else - is still rumbling on and is no closer to being sorted. The complaints/customer service team have been told I cannot take calls during their work hours, yet they have just called me again wanting to discuss my problem. I don’t need to tell them anything else, I have told numerous members of their staff in great detail what the problem is and what I want done about it. Why can’t they just tell CRS that they are using my number in error to chase someone who owes Three money? Three have confirmed several times in writing that I owe nothing, yet CRS have sent me 13 text messages with varying degrees of threats in them. Either CRS has just mistyped a digit and I’m getting the texts, or Three has provided CRS with the wrong number. I bit the bullet and contacted CRS, without revealing my name or any personal details, and I was quite shocked that they gave me the first name of the person who owes money - it’s a female name, and I’m a male! Moderators, please tell me who I can complain to who is much higher up the structure than the people in the complaints/customer service team because I am very, very fed up about this. Thanks.


Latest garbage from the complaints/customer service people: Reshma Patole has basically told me that Three can’t do much with the reference number I gave them. I replied to her: “Three employ CRS as a debt collector; therefore Three has regular contact with them: for you to say Three cannot find out anything from CRS about someone who owes money to Three is outrageous. Anyone with the reference number I provided can look up the account via the CRS website and find out how much is owed, when the last payment was, when the Three contract started and ended…. and CRS have even given me the first name of the person who owes money.”