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My contract ends 08/06/24


I want to end my contract which expires 08/06/24. Three are having issues and cannot access my account. How can I do this.

Not applicable

Unsure what you mean by issues but as far as I’m aware you need to give them 30 days notice of termination. There is some sort of system update this weekend but I fail to see what difference that makes given today is Wednesday.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Paulreay,

I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving Three, and moreover that the team had some difficulties sorting this out for you. There were some system issues yesterday interfering with logging into and accessing accounts, but that should all be resolved now.

If you're taking an account with another provider, you can also find more info on PAC and STAC codes on this page about switching provider. There's instructions on how to request these codes by text, so you wouldn't necessarily need to contact customer services again.

Hope this helps!


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