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Given bill 1 year after cancellation



I had a year contract with Three for the 4g Mifi device, I paid for the full year and called up and cancelled once the initial year contract was complete (September 2023) and destroyed the device as I no longer needed it. Thinking that it was cancelled I moved house and obviously did not update my address as I did not have any active contracts with Three. 

6 months later (March 2024) I received an email to say that I had an overdue balance with Three, Knowing I did not have any active contracts with Three I ignored the email as I believed it to be a scam or fishing email. Did not think anything of it from there. 

Fast forward to the 1st of July 2024, and I receive a call from Three, I thought it was a marketing call so explained I did not have any active contracts with them and did not need anything as I had a new WiFi provider at my new house. The colleague would not give me the message until I went through verification so I went through verification to be told I owe 300 pounds for a contract that I had cancelled nearly a year prior. 

After discussing with said colleague for nearly half an hour (my lunch break at work), I explained that I needed to go back to work so he said he would call me back when I finished at 4:30. I did not receive any call back. I waited a few days to see if he would call back but never did so I used live chat to contact Three to see if I could get a resolution that way, I was advised I needed to call the complaints team but the person on live chat stated they would cancel the contract for me to ensure there was no additional charges.

I called the customer service team and was put through to the complaints department (Still July). I spoke with a lady on the phone for nearly an hour for her to offer me £100 pound off the bill and essentially laugh at me and hang up on me when I said I was not happy with that outcome. I called back and spoke to another colleague who was more understanding of the situation, he looked into it further and told me that the contract was still active (even though I was told by the person on live chat that they would cancel it), I explained to him the situation and he said they had no records of me cancelling. I explained that after I cancelled I had no contact from them for 6 months. He looked at the usage of the device and agreed that since the period I said I called and cancelled there was no usage whatsoever of the device. He said he would raise a complaint and a final bill would be generated for the 6th of August taking into account the usage of the device. I waited until the 6th of August and received a letter (around the 10th of August) with my final bill (£202 with £100 taken off). I did not action this as I was told I would be contacted regarding the outcome of my complaint, after not hearing anything for a couple of weeks I logged onto the Three portal to see that my complaint had been ‘resolved’.

I then received a call from another one of your colleagues on the 30th of August to say I had an overdue bill of £202 with the £100 pound taken off for the device plan. I explained to him that this was not the case as I had already paid off the device plan as part of the initial year contract so that information was wrong.

I explained to him that I was going on holiday for 2 weeks and can he add a note to my account that I would contact on my return to re raise a complaint as this situation is getting completely out of control and is clear that Three employees are incompetent.

Whilst on holiday I received numerous texts/emails and calls from a debt collector for this £202 and have noticed significant damage to my credit rating as a consequence of this.

I am disgusted by this situation and quite frankly find it bizarre that a company can be so incompetent. I need this to be resolved asap but everytime I call up I am told something completely different from your employees.


P.s I asked for records of the live chat as proof that I had requested the contract to be cancelled and yet again you failed to do so to be told I would not be able to get these records (very suspicious)

Key player

When posting always keep posts succinct; this is a users forum; we're not inclined to read a chapter of WAR + PEACE😂


Apologies, starting to get really frustrated with this company🙃

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hey @Ellisjd32,

I'm really sorry to hear you've had such a poor experience cancelling your contract with us.

I'm keen to get you in touch with a team that can investigate this further and help resolve the complaint. I'll pop you over a PM with instructions on how to reach out to us.

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