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Voip And NR5103E


I am trying to get my gigaset phone using voip service to connect to the internet...With my previous huawei router, the phone connects to the internet and voip provider flawlessly...but with the wont connect to the voip service...can not see any options to enable sip support...any advice please?


I have VoIP via Vonage for Home in the UK. One chat to the Three technical team, and they enabled it for me, I plugged the VoIP adapter into the NR5103E and it worked with a simple BT landline phone. So I'd say try it, if it doesn't work contact the Three technical team to enable it. You might save yourself the considerable cost of a 5G router like the Zyxel NR5101. Remember if you buy an NR5103E or NR5103EV2 that says it's unlocked, it's only unlocked for accepting different network’s SIM cards. Unless it's Zyxel branded, the settings will still be locked down to the original network brand such as Three, EE or Vodafone, and it’s unlikely to receive any firmware updates (you can’t get them from Zyxel either).


Is it possible to put the router on pass-through mode to make voip work?

I have just signed up to Three broadband and am extremely disappointed not to be able to use my Gigaset phones with it. They worked perfectly with my Virgin Media router. I'm in the 30-day grace period so a decision on continuing will be made shorrtly.

Has Three considered how demand might rocket as BT switches off its copper services? Mobile phones are all very well but Voip has certain advantages, like a fixed position for phones - you known where they are when they ring - against a mobile you might have left lying around somewhere and you have to find it first. Voip also makes a shared line easier and calls to Voip numbers are generally far cheaper than to mobiles.