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New 3 app for Android has landed, have you tried it?

Local celebrity

After much hype form the iOS users we Andoids now have the chance to try the new 3 app.


Quite often companies upgrade their apps not because they need to but because they feel they need to.


The app crashed the first time I tried to scroll the top panels but has not done since. It looks good but is not how I would have done it. At the top there are 3 panels side by side and you need to swipe. If the text and graphics were smaller then these could be vertical and all visible at the same time. The home page has a chunk of empty space under the banner telling me I am not eligible for an upgrade and I don't like blank space when the screen is small.


Minor gripes and the information I want to see is displayed on the home screen so I can open the app, see what I want without having to search for it and then quit the app.


3, keep up the good work.


Love the new app and the look to the main screen. Would be really handy if data allowances could be shown as you are using them on unlimited plans so you can see how much data you are using in a month before the bill gets generated. 

nice to see the refresh keeping with the new brand 🙂