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Number port failed


Hi, I recently took out a new contract that is with 3.  When signing up they said to request your pac code to keep your old number which I did and gave to them.  Unknown to me and as I have found out since, my old number was 3 PAYG so I could not use a pac code from 3 PAYG to 3 pay monthly.

After googling why my new phone never had my old number I bought an Asda mobile sim and used the pac code to move the number to that sim hoping to move it again to my new 3 sim.  My Asda sim now has my old number but when I text PAC to 65075 on the Asda sim I get a message back saying "Sorry, your PAC request is being processed by your new network provider and cannot be cancelled. You current mobile number will become inactive on <chosen port date>.

I have since recieved sms messages on my Asda mobile sim from 3 about billing information for my new 3 number so it seems 3 have my old number still on the system somewhere.

Has anybody had this issue before, is it possible to still keep my old number?

Thanks for reading.


You can’t request a new PAC on the same day your number transferred over. You have to wait until the next working day. If this is not the case ring ASDA mobile to get the PAC code as I’ve read they sometimes have problems with the automated system. Once you have the PAC from ASDA you can transfer your old Three number back to replace your new Three number.