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Site being blocked



I work for a company that sells toy guns (Airsoft replicas), not real weapons, but it is being blocked. Is there any way it can be re-categorized so that it is accessible for 3 users. Can be accessed on other providers but not 3.

Local celebrity

Is it legal for the stuff you are selling to be sold in the UK? If it is then it should be banned as we don't want your products on our streets.

It's not being blocked by the adult content filter as mine is off. It is also being blocked by Vodafone as I have their sim in my phone as well. It may be that your site is on a mobile phone blacklist.

Alternatively try changing you web address to

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Sam258,

If you think this site is being wrongly filtered then you should contact see the section entitled "Sites being wrongly filtered?" on our page about the content filters.

I've had a look over the relevant government advice and air weapons are illegal for purchase by under 18s though, so if it is our adult filter blocking this, then that does not appear to be an error. If you'd like to discuss the situation further then the content team are the best people to get in touch with.

I have removed the link to the site in question to comply with our Community House Rules.


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