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Black friday


I got an email i can upgrade early this week no fees normally june ( been a loyal customer 7 years now)  so i fancy the s23 128hb ,its 22 a month for 3 years just for the phone with free buds and £100 cashback ,then £17 a month for unlimted sim over 2 years , but i go on money supermarket the s23 256 gb phone  unlimted sim free buds £100 cashback 24 months at £34 a month !!! Through samsung and the sim provider three ,now thats a black friday deal .

Local celebrity

These days 3 separate the phone and call elements. This means that when the contract ends, ie. the phone has been paid for, you just pay the airtime element. If yoy buy through a 3fd party you carry on paying the £34 forever and a day until you cancel the contract. 

I buy from 3rd parties and change networks every 2 years as it's cheaper than network upgrades.