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Cancellation contract


Hi, I'm one of your customer. 

My contract is run out, and I need to stop my direct debit.

Please stop my direct debit as soon as possible. 


Local celebrity

Hi, this is a public community of 3's customers. We do not have access to any accounts so you will need to contact customer services and cancel your contract. This will cancel your account and cancel your number. If you are moving to another network, and wish to keep your number you can request a pac code and give this number to your new provider and this will cancel your contract. If moving to another network, and don't want your number, you can request a stac code, give this to the new network and they will tell 3 and this will also cancel your contract.


Just log in to your bank and cancel the DD there very easy you do t need three to do it to u can do it and once do e they can not take money out 

Local celebrity

NEVER just cancel a DD. If the contract is not properly cancelled you may be hit by missed payments on your credit record and a visit from bailiffs.


She just said her contracts ran out and if there's a payment due then she should know  it by logging on and checking every payment is paid and also ands also use the chat button to make sure fl. If she cancel ls her DD and three need a payment am sure there will be a bill sent to her and she can pay it don't think saying visit by the bailiffs is the right answer unless she hasn't paid for 6 months and been sent numerous letters by three 

Local celebrity

She is not clear. L have a contract which runs out next month. The terms of the contract is that it rolls over until cancelled. Otherwise people's phones will stop working unless the contract is renewed or you move to another network. But you still need to cancel your contract.

Not applicable

That’s such poor cavalier advice to give someone. Thankfully you’re not my financial advisor.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @Parizadeh1990,

Please get in touch, or refer to info on switching provider if you'd like to cancel your contract.

As has been pointed out you can stop your Direct Debit with us or your bank, if this is done with less than 5 working days notice, the payment will likely still go through anyway. If you do stop a payment for a bill that has been produced you could end up with a late payment or eventually a default if you don't arrange a manual payment on time.

I'd also like to emphasise that cancelling your Direct Debit is not the same as cancelling your plan with us.

Generally it's best to only cancel the Direct Debit after you've received your final bill confirming the account is closed, this will recalculate your charges till the date of disconnection, and let you know if you have a pro-rata payment to make, or if we have a refund to process to you.

I hope this helps,

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I humble request to all three team that please cancel my contract from three sim because it’s very cheap or say no good network anywhere any side of the UK. So i please cancel my contract.