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Deactivating voicemail (prepaid)


What on earth has gone wrong with 3 when it appears simple requests can’t be actioned. 

So I ported a number into Three. That’s happened.

I registered for My 3 - definitely a far more basic experience than my previous experiences with 3. 

I want to turn off voicemail, this can no longer be self served via the app. 

I open a chat on Friday to ask them to remove voicemail. They can’t do it at front line, they open a ticket. 

I check the ticket, it’s closed saying the voicemail has been removed. It hasn’t.

I chat in again yesterday, another ticket gets raised. I check today, closed as actioned. It hasn’t. 

I’ve spent over an hour chatting with Three across multiple chats to try and get this sorted. I’m not doing it a third time. 

Does anyone know why the experience is so poor and why such a level of customer effort is now required for what should be a simple ask. 

Luckily a PAC code can be requested via text. I’m not up for dealing with a company that makes it this difficult. 

Local celebrity

I agree. Why is it that three think we are so useless that we cannot be trusted to turn our voicemail on and off. With Vodafone it's call 1210 for off and 1211 to turn it back on. So it can be simple.