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Several phones on one My 3 account?


I administer the three contract Sims for my family's phones under my name.  I recall being able to manage all three numbers and contracts all under one login previously on the Three website.  Under the current My3 sytem it seems the login is by number and each one requires a separate login which is a hassle as the 6 digit security code goes to each individual phone which requires the other person to be present if I want to make changes to the account.  Is it possible to merge several phones onto one login still?


Each account has its own login which is why it also texts the security pin to the number when trying to log in. You might be able to set it up on the app so you can log in to each one by one but the only other way is a business account where all lines are on one bill 

hope this helps 🙂

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi pkendall,

Welcome to the Three Community. Currently each number is a separate account, so the security codes will go to the individual number as you've mentioned. The only exception to this is on broadband accounts, where if you set an alternative number the code goes to that number instead.

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate this isn't ideal for you at the moment. We're always exploring options for how to make managing accounts more straightforward. I'll make sure this is passed on.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


I appreciate this user experience issue being highlighted and passed on thanks Jonathan. I brought my daughters onto 3 contracts along with me also when I got them mobile phones and have hit the same very inconvenient  current system when I was wanting to check their bills which I pay for. I have decided meantime not to register an account for them as a result. Hoping this will be improved soon.