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Have a Pay As You Go question? Read this first

There are 2 different plans on Pay As You Go. The Pay As You Go plan has been available since 7 July 2013, and the New Pay As You Go plan was launched on 12 March 2020. Each plan has a separate app and support options may differ slightly.   To avoid ...

StephR by Employee
  • 0 replies

Best solution Plan ‘names’ explained?

Hi,I see now Three has plans named: LiteValueCompletePlus, many others such as  AdvSIM ?( all very confusing )So, what is the difference / can we get e-sim on all ….. ( are some speed capped )?Thanks, Thanks 

Proof of Usage

Hi,Approximately three weeks ago, I lost my phone and initiated a claim process with my insurance provider. As part of the procedure, I was instructed to obtain a "Proof of Usage" document. I submitted the requisite request to, as di...

Yali121 by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Phone order

Hi , first of all my experiance with three is not so good. There is no proper way to get in touch with customer serivice directly or whenever you wanted.Now coming to the point I have applied for Phone in december 2022 at first i have recieved a comf...

Insurance query

Hi All! My partner has damaged the screen on her mobile phone, and wants to claim through the insurance which she is paying for full cover on a monthly basis.On speaking with staff at our nearest Three store, they advised she would is not covered bec...

Cappe1t by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Data usage warning texts

Hoping anyone can help me out! I received a text on Friday night saying that I had used 80% of my data leaving me with 5.886G left. I woke up this morning to another text saying I'd used 100% of my data. On my Three app, it says I've still got 3.6G o...

Picture Messages Sent to my Own Number

This month's bill was a lot more than usual, and when I looked at it in detail there seem to be a number of picture messages sent from me to my own number. They seem to be particularly associated with another number, so much so that in some cases the...

Change SIM registered name

 Currently my SIM is registered by my brother name. I do want to switch its registration into my name keeping the same SIM number. Besides that, I am willing to buy Iphone15 pro max in contract. What should I do to change the registered name into my ...

PAYG Data Balance Cost Doesn't Increase or Change

Hi,I hope that someone may be able to explain the following.I purchased a 10GB PAYG Data Pack which I used without any issues for a month. I was aware that I had to renew the pack after a month otherwise any credits would be lost, however, as there w...

Hala123 by Regular
  • 5 replies
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