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Stolen Phone - Google Play/Tiktok Coin Charges


My pay monthly phone was unfortunately stolen on the evening of the 3rd of March. The next day, I did all the usual things you would do in this scenario. However, it came to light a month later when I came to pay my phone bill, that the thief had purchased numerous Tiktok Coins, via Google Play, totalling around £110. I have never purchased anything via Google Play nor have I ever purchased Tiktok Coins. Upon speaking to Three on this, they are unable to assist with this as this is a 'third party' charge. At this point I have done everything I can possibly could do, I even had to change my mobile number.

I thought after this, that would be the last of it. However, despite securing my accounts, cancelling cards, the lot, I have received another charge this month, which suggests this has been sent on some sort of 're-occurring' charge.

I just need to ensure this doesn't happen again, can you please offer any advice on this?


Hello Laura, How is it going now



Currently submitted my ombudsman claim and had to cancel everything to stop it as they refused to help. No longer with three now, after ten years! 


Hi all, unfortunately the same thing has happened to me after my phone was stolen in London, and Three have been of no help. They even suggested putting a spend cap on my account, before sending an automated message about how spend caps don't won't stop charges from third party services, so a total waste of time and not a solution. Completely useless, and I am luckily out of contract so happy to change provider (though a lot of admin!) however I am not sure how to get the £100 I lost from the thief somehow purchasing a load of Tiktok coins that were charged to my phone bill. Any guidance greatly appreciated! 


So the only way is to take it to the ombudsman. I’m in the process of doing it at the moment and they are still denying all knowledge of this happening and saying it’s nothing to do with my phone being stolen.



You need to either wait 8 weeks or get a case closure, so they refuse any further help then make a case to the ombudsman. 

Three told me I’d have to take it up with google to get the money back google needed a correlation ID from Three, Three denied all knowledge of it so there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it and get my money back. So I’ve been stuck in between them and I’ve taken Three to the ombudsman. I can’t believe they are not accepting this is a thing that happens after your phone is stolen. They seem to just not grasp the situation. 
I’m sorry I can’t bring anything better to saga but I’m still fighting them but glad I’m not with them getting texts for £150 each month. 


Same thing happened to me last month. My phone stolen on the evening of the 30 june . The next day, I did all the usual things you would do in this scenario. However, it came to light a month later when I came to pay my phone bill, that the thief had purchased numerous Tiktok Coins, via Google Play, totalling around £300. I have never purchased anything via Google Play nor have I ever purchased Tiktok Coins. Upon speaking to Three on this, they are unable to assist with this as this is a 'third party' charge.



ofcourse three sim providers stealing or robbering my money. The real theif is three. Three help to support to steal the customers money like this. 


I'm in the same situation. I cannot believe that charges can be made through a phone bill which is the most unsecured thing. Surely we should pay through Apple Pay of Google Pay and have security through a credi card which is covered but not through a phone bill. This is Google fault as well as mobile providers' faults which allow that. Three has been the worst ever experience in customer service.


update, 3 months later, went through the whole process with comms ombudsman - they rejected my complaint as per below. Now I am looking into further escalation, not for the money but for the principle of being honest, which Three failed miserably. I am looking into any advice.
In conclusion, As it isn’t a minimum regulatory requirement for service providers to be able to block these charges, unfortunately, I am unable to consider it to be a failure from Three for its inability to block these.

As I am unable to consider it to be a failure from Three to block these charges, and as these charges are third party charges, I am unable to reasonably require Three to provide a refund of these.

I am really sorry if this wasn’t the outcome you were hoping for or expecting.

If you feel I’ve missed anything or have any queries in relation to the review I’ve completed or the outcome I’ve arrived at, I’d encourage you to send me a message or call me on 02038358892.

Thankyou for using The Communications Ombudsman.
Outcome: Not Upheld
Remedy 1
Remedy: No remedy or award

I wouldn't require Three to provide any remedy or award in relation to your dispute with it.
Decided by Lewiss Bratt (dre-one) on 07 Aug 2024 at 15:55


Hi I’m the same, had my claim basically rejected by the ombudsman other than the written apology from Three for failing to provide Correlation IDs so I could claim a refund!  They just won’t have it either or seem to grasp the extent of this situation. I’ve even directed them to these threads to show there are lots of us. Nothing, it’s apparently a third party and to take it up with them. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall! It’s so disgusting that as a customer you do everything right and they just abuse their side of the contract and get away with it.

Obviously the ombudsman are just completely useless and absolutely no good at holding anyone to account.

I am sorry to whoever finds themselves here in this situation, it’s not looking good! All I can say is advise every human you know to move and never ever use three mobile. 


by the looks of it is not Three only, O2 has a equivalent service which also can't be stopped


It’s so bad! It should be a choice to opt in, I do not want my phone bill used as an open credit card! Especially as the phone companies have none of the checks and security a bank does nor do they seem to even understand how it works!

I’ve gone with sky mobile as they don’t do it or offer it at all. As for the ombudsman it’s pretty clear they serve their wage payers the providers so they are no help at all. 

Very unjust.