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No Internet


There has been little, weak, no or intermittent internet since Friday in M16. Your engineers are working on a fault. Your call centre says could be a week before it’s fixed and ONLY after 31 days will you consider releasing me from my contract to find a firm to move to. You are crippling my business. When will this fault be fixed please.


Also in M16 - I wonder if we're all on the unupgraded 'cursed' phone cabinet too? Same problem: intermittent and extremely slow internet since last week, no 5G signal and presumably very congested 4G as it seems a little better after midnight.

Just had an incredibly frustrating zoom meeting, probably shouldn't've bothered trying.

Did get Three to refund a week's worth of fees though, but thats not really the point


I'm also in M16 and facing exactly the same problems.  Meant to have a 3 hour training session online tomorrow which I'm going to have to do in a cafe as I'm getting download speeds of <1Mbps.  Customer service aren't bothered - standard 'we really value you as a customer' then do absolutely nothing to help.  Anyone reading this - do not use Three anymore.  I'm not sure what's happened over the last couple of years, but their customer service is horrendous and their technical teams appear unable to deliver a reliable service.  

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