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Problem downloading some movies from Sky store



We have a ZTE home broadband hub.

We are having trouble downloading some movies from Sky store to our Sky+ HD box. It only affects some movies, primarily very new releases or those on pre-order. We had. Sky engineer come and he could find nothing wrong. We hot spotted the Sky box to another provider (Giffgaff who run on the O2 network) and we’re then able to download the one movie (Avatar 2) that we wanted although it was quite slow as we are on the edge of Giffgaff coverage. 
So it seems to be a Three issue. Three though say everything is fine.

They did though toggle the adult filter on and off just to be sure that filtering wasn’t the issue but that made no difference.

We have also changed the Sky box DNS to 1:1:1:1, 8:8:8:8 and 9:9:9:9 to see if that fixed it as some forums suggest but to no avail - nothing seems to work apart from using a different ISP.

Anyone had similar issues?

If so, any solution we might try please?

It is not easy getting Three to help


Best solution
Best solution

After many months of trying it is possible that Sky blocks some downloads over Three

So we have a work around

install Sky Store app on a device
browse and buy movies from ( - it gets added to Sky Store app on a device

open Sky Store app on device and cast to TV

a little messier than just downloading it to the Sky+ HD box but hey ho

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Anyone got a possible solution please? JohnathanB - have you given up on me?

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Community Moderator

Hi @Techwalla1954,

I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. Thanks for the updates regarding hotspotting with both your Three and GiffGaff SIMs. I don't think we can get any further with this without the technical teams taking a look into your account/connection.

I'll send a reply on your PM to link you in with some colleagues that can get this arranged for you.

With the issue being so highly specific, you've mentioned that you can't download some movies from the Sky store, I'd definitely recommend pursuing this with Sky's support also, we can't be sure yet whether this is down to an issue on Sky or Three's services that this isn't working.


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Many thanks JonathanB

Happy to take it up with Sky but what do I tell them please?

Their view is that if we use an alternative ISP (e.g. Giffgaff) there is no problem downloading any movies. Thus they think they are doing everything fine and it is not their problem.
So any suggestion of what to say to them welcome.

By the way, how do I find any private message you send me please?




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Community Moderator

Hey Nick,

Sorry I should have explained the private message system, as I know it's not always clear for new users. If you click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, you'll see one of the options is "Messages"

PC Browser: 


Mobile Browser:


Hope that helps.

Yeah it's a difficult one, I'm not saying that this is necessarily an issue Sky have to fix on their end, but by the same logic they're applying we could say there's not an issue downloading content from any other streaming provider on Three at the moment.

The team I've linked you to should be able to get the ball rolling with our tech teams, and I think that if you do speak to Sky, point out that it's only specific films/files that your box can't download, so surely at some level within their tech teams, they must have some insight on what's different on their side between the downloads that do and don't work.


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Best solution

After many months of trying it is possible that Sky blocks some downloads over Three

So we have a work around

install Sky Store app on a device
browse and buy movies from ( - it gets added to Sky Store app on a device

open Sky Store app on device and cast to TV

a little messier than just downloading it to the Sky+ HD box but hey ho


So we put the Giffgaff/O2 Sim in the 3 Router and we can now download movies from the Sky store - no problem.

Thus it seems definitely to be a Three network issue.

How do we get Three to pay attention and fix this?


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Techwalla1954,

I'm sorry to hear you're running into these issues with downloading movies from Sky. We've had a few reports of issues with using Sky services like Glass and Sky Q in the past. There's been inconsistent feedback on DNS changes, some users did find this helped, whilst others haven't.

Are you able to test an alternative device with your Three SIM, for example hotspot from a phone? This may help narrow down whether this is a network problem, or something more specific to your router.


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Thanks JonathanB

We have tried the router Sim in an iPhone SE hot spotted onto the Sky box - that made no difference (obviously the Sim uses the Three network)

We then hot spotted the same phone to the Sky box using a Sim from Giffgaff (which uses the O2 network) and could download all movies we wanted (Avatar 2: Way of water). It was slow because we are on the edge of the O2/Giffgaff signal but it DID download successfully.

Thus it seems to be a Three network issue. Reading forums some report “security” or DNS might be the problem - whatever that means.

Anyway, if you have a suggestion we are all ears. Also happy to try some experiment if that will help find a solution.




Oh and we have tried both routers we have Huawei B535-232 and ZTE MF286D with the Three broadband Sim but that made no difference.

Perhaps we could try putting the Giffgaff Sim in the router and see what that does - could we do that?
