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Any idea


As anyone any idea what's going on with Three have they suspended work on fixing problems until they know if the merger with Vodafone gets the go ahead I've been to a few different areas of London and it's been complete rubbish thank god there was good WiFi about 

Local celebrity

I doubt it. I think that there are a few issues that they are dealing with. Firstly they are trying to replace 3g kit ready for the turn off. In my area I can still see my phone range from H, H+, 4g and even a hint of 5g and they have been working in my area for over a year. They have, like other networks, been very successful in selling home and office broadband. This has created problems in installing more capacity to cope. I would not expect 3 to admit it but I really think that they don't have the engineering or supply chain capacity to everything for everyone now.

Do you give everyone something or a few everything?


The last representative I had a webchat with said they're still waiting for planning permission I don't know why you need planning permission to work on a mast already there unless they want to put up a new one

Local celebrity

It may be that they want to instal equipment that was not included in the original planning application.


Well it looks like I'm going to have leave problem is can I find the extra £20 per month it will cost me or do I suffer the 4-6 hours per day crap service 

Rising star


I think that the enforced replacement of Chinese - Huawei - kit for political reasons has also hit Three more than the other networks.  


Local celebrity

Get a cheap sim to test your new network of choice. Locally my choice is slow, slow, erratic and even more erratic.

Local celebrity

Buy a cheap sim to check your new network of choice. Locally I can choose between slow, slow, erratic and more erratic.