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Split port issue


It came to my attention on 18th August 2023 that there was an issue with being unable to access some of my voicemail messages.

Through further diagnosis I was able to determine that this only happens when someone calls me from EE. If someone from EE calls me they are sent to an EE voicemail box that I have no access to, I do however get sent a text from EE to say I have a voicemail, but I can't access it because I don't have a pin set.

I left EE as a customer in late 2020 and subsequently ported to giffgaff and then to Vodafone and then to three.

It is my suspicion that a split port occurred in late 2020 when porting out of EE and since that point I have been unable to get calls from EE customers.


I've been in contact with three customer services who keep telling me the problem has been fixed but when I check its still an issue.


It's been nearly three weeks since I reported this and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Any advice or suggestions?

Best solution
Best solution

The solution to this issue:


1. Chase and chase and chase and chase

2. Don't join three

View solution in conversation


Does anyone from Three read this messages or am I wasting my time posting here?

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The community is primarily Joe Public and we try to help where we can. The moderators are not full-time ans dip in, presumably, when time permits. 

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Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hey @Dtliddle 

I'm really sorry to hear about the problems you're having with your voicemails from EE customers. Is this affecting your inbound/outbound calls/texts as well? In case this still isn't resolved I'll send you a PM to get you in touch with some colleagues that can help.

To view your private messages on the community, click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages".



Thanks @JohnD . Chatting to your colleagues via the link provided initially seemed promising but so far my issue is still unresolved. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since I reported it. And again my complaint has been closed without checking with me that it's fixed (I've lost count of how many times this has happened).

BTW: the issue only seems to affect when EE customers call me, so approx. 25% of UK mobiles can't call me!


This is still ongoing, the latest is that Three have offered a 'solution' to my complaint in a 1 second voicemail that was left last wednesday and no one is able to tell me what that 'solution' is. Suffice to say the issue still isn't resolved and I now have to wait upto 72 hours for someone to phone me again..... Friday will be 5 weeks since I raised my initial complaint.

Absolutely fantastic customer service from Three..... said no one.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Dtliddle,

I'm really disappointed that this hasn't been progressed for you. I've passed on the feedback you shared on your PM and I'm hopeful we can get this back on track for you.


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I had to chase this up again today as the 72 hours I was given on monday came and went with no contact from three. 

Apparently the notes on my account weren't clear so I was asked to restate my issue again to someone from the complaints team who then terminated the chat before giving me a new ETA. I did at least get a message to say my complaint had been reopened.....let's see what happens this time. My confidence level isn't high!


@JonathanB did you get any feedback from the Social Team? I'm still waiting for this to be resolved/someone to contact me. Friday will be 6 weeks since this was raised.


Still waiting for this to be fixed, I chase three every 2/3 days and every time I am lied to by being told that someone will contact me and they never do.

I will be requesting a letter of deadlock in due course so I can take this to the communication ombudsman.