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3 hours ago - last edited 3 hours ago
As of today, 3 has an outage that affects "A small number of customers". Lets face it, there are many customers affected by this that I can only list customers that were affected by this outage as I don't know any that were unaffected. Today's outage focuses on calls not dialling but otherwise you're all fine. I get that every network has a cockup every now n then but this is getting rediculous.
The 3 network has a significant number of outages during the past 2 years that it has basically proven that this is an unreliable network. What the 3 network dosen't realise is that over the years, mobile networks and devices have gradually became a neccesity rather than a cosmetic fun gadget. Having outages like this and the previous worse ones during 2023-5 should not be taken lightly and I would've thought that during that span, there would be preventative measures to stop these such disasterous outages. The worse thing is that it shows how unbelievably reluctant the exec team are to make amends post outage, no business ever like to give money back but I would've imagine that some decentcy would be shown, atleast an automatic discount on bills from those affected and a genuine apology including explinaton of the cause of outage.
This has been increasingly concerning as 3 and VF are becoming the UK's largest network later this year whilst the exec team does not show the strength to deal with and prevent outages to an acceptable manner. I hope this message will be passed on to 3 and VF executive team if possible if not, fair enough.