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Contract cancelled, yet money still taken out of my account.


Last year I submitted a request to change my monthly plan from 4 GB to unlimited. This change would’ve brought my monthly bill from £9 to £17. I waited for the SIM card to arrive and it never did, so I ordered a new one online. Since that card also never arrived on time, I decided to cancel the contract and stay on my current plan. I contacted three during the cancellation process and explained that everything should be cancelled and that I shouldn’t have to pay a termination fee since I have never used the SIM card. 

Since last month both the current charge for my current plan (£9) and the new plan that was cancelled (£19.79 for the first month) has left my account. I have contacted three multiple times and they all say that this charge does not come out of my account because it doesn’t show up on my monthly bill. I have given them the reference number for the charges and they still deny that anything has come out of my account. I have since contacted my bank who verified the charges, cancelled the direct debit and gave me a refund. I don’t know what to do at this point since it’s likely that Three will create another direct debit even though I’ve cancelled everything on my end.

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Community Moderator

Hi @Shane,

I'm really sorry to hear that there was this mix up with setting up the change of plan, and that you never received the SIM card for the new line. If the initial request was to change your priceplan, we wouldn't actually send a new SIM card, it should have just changed your data allowance on the next bill cycle.

It's hard to determine precisely what's went wrong initially, but we definitely want to get this looked at in more detail.

I can reassure you, we can't reinstate a Direct Debit that you cancel without permission, you need to use My3 or speak to an advisor for that to happen. However, we do need to make sure the new account is cancelled properly so that it doesn't continue to generate unpaid bills.

I'll get you in touch with some colleagues that can help. Check your private messages by clicking on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages".


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