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E-sign email


Anyone had problems receiving their e-sign email?  I received emails with device plan & agreement & one to say my order has gone through but that’s it. That was 2 days ago. 
been on chat & spoken to customer services & it’s still not resolved. I didn’t know there was even an e-sign document to sign until today & there was no mention of it when I ordered the device. Surely it should have come through as soon as I placed the order as it was supposed to be next day delivery. I already have two devices which I don’t think I will be renewing when the contracts are up & I’ve been with 3 10 years + without any bother until now


I am having same problem! Did you get it solved?


mutiple problems with it got cancelled once now they doing again just keep telling me to wait and keep repeating the same thing searching for one some where else now to much stress easier get it originally than to upgrade joke 


I've been having the same issue over the last week.  I made one upgrade order online, but the documents wouldn't download, so I had to call to complete the order (= two credit checks were done), then I didn't receive the esign documents and whenever I called, I was told, 'check your junk folder' and wait another 24 hours.  Then the order cancelled.  I tried again online (one more credit check), the documents got stuck in the download process, so I called and had to restart the order (one more credit check - so four in total).  When the esign document didn't arrive, I called and the advisor told me it was because I hadn't verified my email address, which is nonsense as I had an email from when I first started the whole sorry business proving that I had (besides, I've got two contracts with Three and I've been with them for 10+ years with the same ol' email address...).  I phoned again, and again, was told to check my junk folder.  I have just got off the phone with them today and was told that this is a known issue and they are trying to get it resolved so please call back tomorrow.  First of all, some of these posts on this thread are from 2023, so my faith in them magically getting it resolved before tomorrow is shaky at best.  Secondly, if this is a known issue, why have the advisors been fobbing me off with a bunch of nonsense and making me think that I'm a doddery old idiot who doesn't know to look into a junk folder if an email hasn't arrived...  I haven't had this trouble before with Three - I've always got the order the next day and it's been fine.  This time, when I really need it (my daughter is in a vulnerable state health-wise and I want to give her my phone as hers has broken) Three have let me down really bad.  Not to mention the four credit checks.... Let's hope that by some miracle their IT team fix the issue this evening otherwise I really don't know what to do - I guess I could change the email address on the account - maybe that might help, who knows...?


Having the same problem at the moment- ordered on Friday just keep getting told to wait 24 hours- called again this morning and was sent a verification email to verify my email address and call back if i didnt have the document within 4 hours. 

I have paid an early upgrade fee for this also so im really not happy with the goings on- i have been told 5 different stories by 5 different people. 


Fingers crossed this is resolved today as I am now out of pocket and cant get a refund as they cant cancel the order as its already gone through 


unsure what to do 


I have this problem today been in going 3 days just keep getting told to phone back in 24 hours so frustrating when you been with them years never had this problem before customer service is shockingly bad 


i wouldnt waste your time- i had my order cancelled through the night as i hadnt signed the e sign document- i havent recieved the e sign document to sign it- worst thing is theyve asked for 28 days to process my refund!


Called up EE and new phone will arrive tomorrow before 10:30!!


Yes seriously gonna cancel have told them not resolved by tomo they can basically shove it I have 6 contracts with them it's lots of customer to loose 


Just an update on this my order was cancelled yesterday I phoned today said I would try once more and if I didn't get the e sign I would cancel the whole thing spoke to a really nice chap got the e sign straight away while I was on phone to him and new phone  be here tomorrow 🙂 


Hi Kaylee I’m having the same issue I’ve been with 3 for years they are utter rubbish which is a shame for their staff in the call centres who are genuinely trying to help.