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If i dont renew my contract will it go to a rolling one


My contract is due to end this month if I don't renew will it end or will it go to a rolling month to month

Rising star

It will roll on, month-to-month.


If it goes to a one-month rolling contract, check your bill carefully.  Three now seem to have a policy of switching from arrears billing for longer-term contracts to advanced billing for one-month rolling contracts, while not admitting that to anyone.  When this happened to me, I was billed for both an arrears AND advance period (i.e. for two months) in the first month, i.e. I suddenly got a bill for two months.  The only response anyone at Three could come up with upon being challenged was (a) obfuscation and misunderstanding as much as possible; and (b) trying to sell me a new long-term contract which would make the problem go away.  My suspicion is that this is a deliberate policy now and a very disreputable practice.