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PAYG Number Deactivated - Why?



I have a PAYG sim, and obviously number, that I've had for well over a decade. In February I went on a Caribbean cruise, travelling via Dublin and with a few days in Miami beforehand. I switched roaming on.

After a day or so in Miami I noticed I could no longer use my data, calls or texts. I wasn't using my phone for anything other than checking Twitter in Miami, but had wifi at my apartment so thought nothing much of it. On the ship I had a wifi plan anyway.

However, when I got back my phone still wasn't working. When I checked my account it said I was suspended. I chatbox'd a Three rep who said it was for 'roaming fraud'. He could give me no other information, such as what I was supposed to have done, and said that the account would be unsuspended after a month. This was incredibly inconvenient.

After a month (so late March) I tried to log into my account again but it wouldn't let me without sending me a verification text. Unfortunately my phone number still wasn't activated so I couldn't get the text.

Today I tried logging into my account again, this time successfully, to see 'No active lines are found', so I chatbox'd with a rep who told me that my number had been deactivated and couldn't be reactivated.

So I have 3 questions I need resolving please.

1. Why was my number deactivated - what was it I did to warrant it?

2. Is it true my number cannot be reactivated?

And the biggy...

3. Does this mean I will have a fraud marker logged with the credit agencies? Because if so I'm going to cause merry mayhem.

In the meantime I've bought 2 new sims. The first was a Three sim, but when I was getting nowhere with my questions I bought one from another company. With a satisfactory resolution to my issues I would consider staying with Three going forward as they've always been fine for me in the past.

I hope you can help, someone. Thanks for reading.


Not applicable

1) Sorry don’t know. 
2) Possibly.
3)Don’t know.

Without wishing to seem glib you’ll need to start a live chat or call 03333381001 to speak to customer service which this forum is not.

With respect if you can afford a Caribbean cruise you you should consider whether you may be better off having a pay monthly phone account (Three or any provider)  whereby the problem you enunciate would be less likely to  occur.

Just a thought.


Good luck


Thank you for your considered reply Paddie. Seems like you can't help, and have no idea about my personal situation or who paid for the cruise. 

Not applicable

I’m pleased you liked my reply which was indeed “considered”! The point I was making that if you were a pay monthly customer your situation as described wouldn’t occur.