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iPhone 16 Pro Max


Just wondering if anyone else has been having problems when ordering the new IPhone yesterday on pre order day? 

I was straight on at 1pm to upgrade however when getting to check out it kept showing me an error message. I had spoken to someone from Three who said they were having service/network issues which meant it was currently down and to try ordering again in 1-2 hours time. At 3.30pm I tried again and received a message this time saying I had to ring Three. 

I then called Three, a lovely guy had said the application had all gone through and it was ordered, that I would receive an email or confirmation within 5 minutes. After 30 minutes I still had no email, so I quickly live chatted to make sure everything was correct. This time the worker had told me it hadn’t gone through and that’s why I never received an email. 

He then offered to sort it over live chat. He put all the details though again and completed the credit check. He then said I had to ring Three again to confirm. So rather than this I asked him if he could check on his end as I have already spoken with Three. After about 15 minutes he came back to say he was having an error at his end and he would have to complete the whole process again. 

Anyway… I decided to try ordering myself again on the website. Upon doing this it came back with the “please ring us” so I rang again and the guy certified that it had all gone through, credit check had been approved again and to wait a couple of hours for the confirmation email? I still haven’t received an email so far??? 

anyone else having this issue???


Check my post. Just been told I won't get my phone without a sign E - Sign Document

Is the e document the email with the credit agreement for the handset and Direct Debit etc with a it 4 section to approve and confirm ??

If so then mine arrived at 2am this morning so they re about 48 hours behind with them as my upgrade was agreed and paid for on Friday but that document only arrived today.