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Zyxel NR5103E "b14" Firmware - Reduced performance or something else?


Hi All, I've had my Zyxel NR5103E router for roughly 8-9 months now, and up until the latest firmware update (and some inital teething issues due to local work) I have generally had a fairly performant and reliable service, averaging 250-400Mbps, with peaks up to 500-700mbps.

However, after having an issue connecting one device of mine (A Sony PS5, should it really matter), Customer service seemed to update my router from "b12" to "b14" and my local performance has just tanked, being barely better than the VDSL (BT Openreach FTTC) connection in my area, which typically maxes out around 80-110mbps.

Alongside the performance drop for both download and upload, the connection stability seems to be Significantly worse, wherein i get regular buffering on YouTube, Twitch and other content sites, and whatever QoS these routers have completely drops out should i dare to download a video game on either my PC or console at the same time. 

Now, i have already spoken to Customer Service/Technical Support and have received a replacement router, however the issues persist with instability and lacklustre performance. And the new router came with the "b14" firmware variant as standard. I did further checks with other networks (my parents & neighbours internet) to ensure that it was not an issue with my devices, and they all perform within spec to the limitations of the VDSL (FTTC) connections in my area. I also placed the SIM card in my mobile handset (Samsung Galaxy S22) and am able to receive the same performance as I used to get on the dedicated router, before the Firmware update. 

So, both routers, the original one sent when i ordered the contract, and the recent replacement both now show the "b14" variant of the current firmware, (i have noted the IEMI numbers should I have to make further complaints and invest in my own hardware) and the previous local reliability and stability has all but dissapeared. 

Without a differing hardware device (i.e. another  non-Zyxel 5g router) to test and compare against, Three have effectively nerfed my service to be arguably worse than other services in my area, making my investment in this contract pointless. 

I am wondering whether any others have faced this same issue, and whether Three will actually take more steps with Zyxel to push an updated firmware soon to alleviate this.  I cannot afford to break the contract, and i relied upon the additional speed they previously offered for the work i do at home. 


Hi, a further update after an "investigation" completed by the Three technical services team.

They're insistent on blaming my local network and an increase in congestion, which, whilst feasible, I feel like this is a half hearted attempt to investigate my issue further. If it were a congestion issue, especially when connected to the same towers (I tried a couple of the cell mapping apps that exist, and also compared to what these routers show in their web GUI) it would affect all the devices I have tested on, so I couldn't disagree more with their results. 

If it were a congestiom related issue, it would affect the sim when it was placed in my mobile handset, as well as other neighbours in the area that were using 5g. 

I'm far from happy with the technical team, and whilst there couldve been a recent uptick In congestion in the area, it wouldn't affect me 24/7. I live in a small-ish town where 99% of shops and businesses close at either 5-6pm, or 11pm in the case of pubs or takeout restaurants.There isn't an environment in this town wherein there would be excessive load on the system way into the hours of 2-3am. 

I hate that spending money to fix a problem that shouldn't exist is the only way I can get this problem resolved, cos it's clear that their team is unwilling to investigate more than the bare minimum to support customers. Frustrated and dissapointed, but that seems to be par for the course for this company at the moment. 


Rising star


You are not the first to flag up issues with the b14 update. Have you searched this forum for answers ? 

If you can't solve it, go the the Forum on the website "ISP Review" and ask on there. There is a solution.    


I have not been able to find any such solution here, or in the ISP Review forums myself. 
Feel free to link me to any solution you are aware of. 


Any chance you found that solution? On b14 here and 3-weeks into contract the service drops once per hour with a restart required to get connected again. Wi-Fi connection is fine, router stays connected to the tower with good connection, yet no service at all.

Spoken to 3’s tech team today and their ultimate answer was that it might be a faulty SIM card. I really doubt it considering it worked fine for the first week but I’ll give it a go.