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Proof of Barring


My phone was recently stolen - I contacted Three via webchat on 1st November 2022 to request Proof of Barring for my insurance claim.  I was promised an email with the Proof of Barring within 72 hours.  I received nothing so I contacted Three again via webchat on 14th November 2022 - after providing the information again about the stolen device I was again promised Proof of Barring via email with 72 hours - I have screen shots of the webchat that show this very clearly.  More than 72 hours has elapsed and I have still received nothing.  I have all the other information I need to submit my insurance claim but the lack of Proof of Barring is preventing me from making the claim despite it having been promised to me twice.....

This is extremely disappointing as the rest of the service from Three has been excellent but a company is only as good as its weakest link and this is a very weak link

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Community Moderator

Hi @kevanl2703,

Welcome to the Three Community,

It's really disappointing to hear that you've made contact several times and not been able to obtain the proof document you've requested. I'll send a private message to your community account to direct you to further help.

To view your private messages, click on your avatar in the top right of any community page, then "messages".


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Hi ,

seems this is regular issue  has not been solved as I have been contacting three since I lost my phone to get proof of barring and usage . Still waiting and made me to contact them every day and explain everything from first ! That’s very Frustrating ! All I need is ready to get my new phone but three still wasting my time to give what I need! I believe there wants to make their customer to buy phone from them that apple! As they keep saying we need this time because you didn’t but the phone from us!There is no telephone number to contact and this chat box is… . Please please please help to find out how can I get them! I am thinking to leave there in future!


Hi kevaniI2703


I was checking on the internet about prove of barring and saw your post!

I’m having the same problem with Three provider. My phone was stolen on 01/01/2023. I already made three phone calls to Three and they promised me I would get the prove of blacklisting the phone in 72 hours. Every time I call them they promise me to send it in 72 hs.

This document is the only one missing to complete the insurance request.

I wonder why Three provider is so inefficient and unsympathetic.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Lula,

I'm really sorry to hear that you've also been facing difficulties getting the proof of blacklisting document issued. I've sent you a private message with information on how to get more help with this.

To view your private messages, click on your avatar in the top right of any community page, then "messages".


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Please send this information

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @864914715,

If you need help with requesting any proof documents please contact customer services, but if you've been having any trouble sorting this out through the usual help teams then please let me know.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


android find shows the usage,I  have proofs like screenshots that I have used phone to call with 3 number but three tools can't find out with the same IMEI, three backend team is technically not good enough to check the usage even after providing the Phone box phone which has secondary IMEI number.
Team took nearly 20 days to blacklist but failed to provide usage .
Cancelling my contract also I have asked my relatives and friends to cancel the contract.They only support if we are taking mobile with them.
I myself provided technical suggestions but still three team failed to get proofs and they even not ready to provide the proofs which they have in their usage tool data (I can prove them wrong).
I was loyal customer and I also recommended may people to three and three team has proved my decision of being with three for long time is  wrong  .
Even one three engineer can find out usage data and attached to case but other engineer is telling that data is wrong.They dont have proper communication among themselves ,there more focus  is not towards resolution -there focus is to prove them correct  


Even I'm facing same issue from last few days.


Hi, I have been contacting three since I lost my phone , last week! Still waiting for proof of barring and usage . Three makes me to contact them every single day and they promise me to sort this out. This document is the only one missing to complete the insurance request. There is no telephone number and chat box is … .

I believe because I did not buy the phone from three , they do like that! They want to make customer to get the handset from three! But this doesn’t work and I’m thinking to leave there and change my operator soon.

please please please give me my proof of usage and proof of barring !