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Abroad for a long time, can I use three


If I am working abroad for a long time(more than 1 or 2 years), can I use three?
I’ve heard that if you don’t return to the UK for two months, your number will be deactivated.
I want to know it is true? Or how can I use three abroad?


What's the policy for long term Go Roam use?

You can only use Go Roam for periodic travel, like holidays or short breaks. To ensure all customers can benefit from roaming, we have put in place the following rules for prolonged periods of roaming.

We'll monitor your usage, and if you spend two complete months in one or more of our Go Roam destinations in a rolling 12-month period, we have the right to suspend international roaming services on your account. This means you'll no longer be able to use your device or allowances abroad. Of course, we’ll let you know in advance if this is likely to happen. You'll need to stop using your roaming services exclusively for roaming in Go Roam destinations and return to the UK to avoid suspension. If you spend a full two months abroad but some of that time is spent in a destination that isn't included in Go Roam, the restriction won't apply.

If you've had international roaming services suspended, and since returned to the UK, please contact us to let us know of the change in your location, and we'll unblock your roaming services.


I've heard them talk about FUP, but not quite sure if that's correct.
It says that if you use it abroad for more than 60 days, you need to come back to the UK and activate the sim once to continue using it.
But I'm abroad for a long time and can't get back home, I'll keep topping up to kept sim alive and I don't know if this has any effect so that I can keep and use my number.


Someone told me this but I don't know it is right?

A SIM card is deactivated when it has not been used in the last 6 months. To stop deactivation do any one of the following actions at least once every 6 months: Make at least one call, SMS or MMS to another number (This does not including calls to Emergency Services or Member Services)


With Lebara this is how it works, I kept my number active from 2020 to 2022 in India

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hi, Helen.

This information is correct. Topping up alone isn't considered to be usage. You need to actively use the service in order to prevent it from being deactivated. For some one who's going to be away for so long, keeping a SIM card going doesn't like it'll be the easiest thing to do. 

The only thing I can think of would be to transfer your number onto a Pay monthly contract. Those don't require any usage to keep them active. As long as the payments are up to date, it would remain active.

If that's something you're considering, I'd recommend shopping around for the absolute cheapest deal you can find (since you won't need to worry about the allowances or using the service) and that contract will keep your number going for you until you come back to the UK. 



Topping up alone isn't considered to be usage.

If I send a text message every time does it count as usage?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @HelenMoore,

Sorry for the delay, yes a text message would be considered usage and keep the number active. As others have mentioned the fair usage policies do prohibit long term, exclusive usage abroad though so we can't guarantee roaming services won't eventually be suspended.


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@JonathanB Are you able to advise please.