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Broadband Account


Thought i would try out the 4G+Hub,so ordered one, the next day THEY! arrived, yes 3 x 4G+Hubs, rang Three ti let them know what happened, ok so after 40 minutes on the phone it was decided that i would choose one and a sim card to go with the hub withe the router and sim number that i was going to use and that Three would send a jiffy bag for the remaining two to be returned.

Tried the router and card, dreadful signal, approx 1.6 gigs, so no impressed, rang Three again to say that i would be returning that as well as the other 2, ok we'll send another jiffy bag, i said will you cancel the DDebit, yes no problem. 

Eventually the 2 jiffy bags arrived, so 2 in one bag and 1 in the other, off to the post office, receipts given. 

Now i am being asked to pay my direct debit of £5.00 a month for a product and service i dont have!!!! after numerous calls lasting forever I'm still no further on, i did notice after 2 weeks that the direct debit was still in place on my bank account, so i cancelled it, don't know what to do now, have also sent a letter to Three Customer Services in Glasgow, No Reply to that! 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Garygsax,

I'm really sorry to hear about the mix up with your order, and the subsequent issues with getting the account closed down. I'll send you a private message to direct you to a team that can help make sure that this is all cancelled properly.

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