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Can't top up data pack while in France


His and and I are Three customers in UK.Before going to France for 7 weeks we bought two pay as you go Sims to use while there.These last 30 days but were assured by staff in the Brighton store that we would be able to top up from France.

When we were buying the Sims the Three app was down so we were unable to register our new numbers.However staff managed a work around to activate the Sims anyway.

Now we are unable to top up as we are taken around a non-ending loop asking for the registered email, which of course does not exist as we're were not able to register.

With around 18 days left after this pack expires, we will incur significant roaming charges on our UK Sims.This is extremely unfair as we were well -prepared.It is not our fault that the app was down and we believed the reassurances of the Three staff.

Please can we receive the support we need with this issue as so far the advice has been either buy a French SIM card or suffer the roaming charges.


Better news from France today as yesterday we managed to solve the problem I outlined the previous day.

Essentially we were unable to top up the Sims we had bought before leaving the UK and we were about to hit the 30 days limit with 18 or so more days to go till we return to UK.

So after a LOT of effort we got help from the PY as You Go team to register our Sims against an email address.

This enabled us to login in and top them up, thankfully.

The advice I would like to give is before you leave the UK, if you are going away for more than the 30 days PAYGo limit, set up an auto renewal in the UK before you leave, which you can cancel anytime.

Save yourselves a LOT of hassle.