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After an online chat with Three ( I have the transcript) it was agreed I would leave without penalties as it was inside the initial 28 days. A bag was sent to me to return the equipment ( I have the post office proof of postage and the proof of receipt by Three ) this was completed in February.

I started to receive demands for non payment of an active account ( the one that was closed ) . I called the customer services and was advised that it takes a little time for the right hand to speak to the left hand but it would be sorted and I would not hear anything else. I received at least 3 more demands for £15 saying I was in arrears and the service had been stopped until I paid.

I complained via email and received a telephone call from Three, they asked me for the account password and security details, I advised them the account was closed in January 2023 and I didn’t have a password or notable place security information, they could not understand that and kept asking for the same information. I then received a letter threatening a debt collection agency on me if I didn’t pay. I again complained, I received a telephone call from Three, asking for my security information, I again told them I didn’t have an account so there was no information to give them. I then received an email stating that because I couldn’t give them the security information there was nothing they could do.

I have received another threatening letter saying the matter is now being passed to a debt Collector and my credit rating has changed.

I am a person who has had 2 recent heart attacks, I don’t need this anxiety! It is obvious Three are not going to ever be able to understand the account is closed any they have got all the equipment back so I need to start legal proceedings against them.

has anyone else suffered the same issue and if so how did you resolve it. I am at my wits end!!!

as previously stated I have all the proof relating to this.

Thank you

Local celebrity

Sorry to hear of your problems but thus is beyond us mere contributors. Please click on the link below and send Jonathon a message as he is 3 employee.

About JonathanB - Three Community


Thank you for your reply.

I asked if anyone else had suffered a similar issue and how they dealt with it.


Local celebrity

It would not have been discussed here as this would be a private matter.


once again, thank you for your reply.

I am not looking to discuss my personal matter, i am asking if anyone has had a similar issue and how they got Three to understand.

I.E. solicitors letter.

Are you a leader or community forum manager?

I am looking for help as Jonathan as already been approached regarding this issue and it didn't work out.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Prydd21,

I'm really sorry to hear this hasn't been sorted out after our discussions in January. I've sent a reply to your PM yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to come back to you on this thread.

I've sent an update to the team that I originally referred you over to, it's best to chat with them again if they originally arranged the return and cancellation. We can't take action on your account from the community, but I have passed on info to the team in question to help get this sorted out.

I'm sure there's some degree of human and/or system error and we can get this all straightened out.

In terms of the security details, these should be the exact same as before the return though, I appreciate where you're coming from in terms of the account should be closed and balance cleared, but this doesn't affect the information required to pass security when you get in contact. If you no longer recall what you set as your memorable information, there are backup processes though, so I'm sure that we can still resolve this.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


Jonathon, thank you for your reply. I feel I have walked this issue through every hedge in the land. I’ve spoken to numerous people both in chat and in the customer services. Each time I was assured it was now finished, but each time it comes back like a boomerang. I have forwarded the Royal Mail receipt of postage, I have forwarded the completed tracking proving it has arrived, but still I get THREATS of debt collectors. I feel I can do no more, what you are asking has been done so what difference will another contact make? Here’s  what is going to happen, you are going to get someone to call me as I haven’t got the time to be holding a phone for 30 mins plus, someone from three who speaks clear English will sort it out.

I am going to involve a national magazine that I subscribe to in one weeks time if this is not put to bed.

I apologise for the abrupt nature but I am at my wits end with this.



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi Bob,

I appreciate this must be really frustrating and stressful, particularly being asked to make further contact and expect differing results. Although I can't disclose account information over community threads, I am going to take personal ownership of investigating this, and will do my best to make sure there are no further mistakes or misunderstandings in how this is handled going forwards.

I'll arrange for you to be contacted in a secure manner as soon as possible so that we can work around this account security issue.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


As you have said above, you have taken personal ownership to get this sorted out.

I have just received a blunt, threatening letter from Three, demanding an extra £384 because it’s gone to debt collectors!!!!!

you didn’t do a very good job of eradicating the mistakes as they just keep on coming.

when is this going to stop?

what have I to do to get Three to understand the account is closed?

your colleague John told me everything was now taken care of and I wouldn’t be harassed anymore.

he lied!!

I am sat here extremely distressed with threatening letters arriving weekly with no way of stopping them.


you are aware of my ill health


Jonathon said he was taking personal ownership of this but now he says deal with someone else, he writes it off as though it is nothing to receive threatening demands for money on an account that is closed.

the treat of debt collection at your door when you are an old age pensioner in I’ll health is extremely worrying and three does not relate to that.

this has been going on for over 3 months now and numerous promises have been made to sort it out.

Would you just ignore the demands?