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Number transfer.

Hi. Myself and my wife upgraded to new Samsung phones last Friday in store. We were told that our old numbers would transfer by Tuesday at the latest. This hasn't happened yet? 

Pat50 by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Proof of usage

I have been using three for 2 year and more and bought new mobile from Apple and after 2 days I inserted three card on that mobile and very next day i lost my new mobile without using any calling from new phone and i used only internet then i ask thr...

Online account not working

Is anyone else having trouble getting on to your account I have been trying to pay my bill now for a week but everytime I try and go to my account it comes up with 'error, we're trying to fix this, please try again later' I'm so frustrated, I will ha...

No return labels sent

Hi, I've requested numerous times for a returns label bag etc for my broadband device, I've still not reiceived anything,  now have 3 applied a £105 fee to my account as its over 30 days ago. I have the device ready to return or even collect so will ...

iPhone 16 pro max delivery

Ordered my upgrade 2 weeks ago and was told to expect the delivery for tomorrow but I haven’t had any tracking number or further info sent to me. I’ve tried to contact three customer service multiple times to no avail - seems as though operators are ...

Three + discount code scams

I received a code for Adidas 15% off and thought why not! clicked use the code from my lucky spun and there was not option to input! contacted Adidas after my purchase to advise where at checkout you can input the code and you cant!!!

Lbouch by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Being fooled

Three has fooled me since begining saying they will give me an apple product if I take the sim and contract. Its been 11. Months I am in contract with them and now they say your credit Check failed we cannot do anything and can provide android one Al...

A bill with my correct address on

I need an upto date bill with my correct address on which is  10 ****** *****, ********, ****** **** ****  I called and changed it months back now and my bills still have my old address on.  Can you help me with this please 

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