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One account with multiple numbers , Now new update totally disastrous in the making


I have one account with multiple numbers. And had no problem for years. Accessing them. I entered the phone number, entered the password. Bang, I was into the account that I needed to be in to check spending caps, etc.

Now they’re trying to tell me that I need to have new e-mail addresses to each number. Which is totally pathetic. Each time you renew your contract, they pushed time and time again to add other extra number. To your account. Which I have previously done.

Surely like a business account that may have hundreds of numbers on one account. They’re only need one administrator to access all the numbers on that one business account.

So why can’t they do it for customer accounts, like what others have said, if this doesn’t get sorted. Well, its bye bye Three. I’ll be going with another provider., There’s be no more loyalty anymore. Even after 20 plus years with Three.

This total mess regarding multiple e-mail addresses from multiple numbers on one account needs sending right to the top of the ladder, and putting in the hands at the very top, to let them know that this isn’t working. Otherwise, it’s going to be a massive wakeup CALL when customers are leaving in they droves.

Local celebrity

Welcome to the conversation.  As of yet we have had no reason behind this ludicrous demand for multiple email addresses.  For me it's not an issue as I have my own domain so can create as many as I  need, but they still need managing. 

Complete lack of thought by the development team.


How this ever got through planning or testing is shocking - not to mention that this is a critical breaking change and it's been broken for MONTHS!


In the same boat - I have 4 separate accounts with Three - 1 each for me and my partner, and 2 sim only for her mum and nan.

Since the "upgrade" (if we can call it that) my partner re-registered - her email obviously didn't work, so she used mine - BAM now her account can be accessed but I can now no longer sign up to access my account because the email already exists...... absolutely ridiculous!

I have spoken to live chat agents over and over on this and none of them know what the heck is going on and this has been months and months.....

This should have been rolled back the instant the system was not fit for purpose - worse still you try and actually phone someone and speak to them it's nigh on impossible.

My contract is due to expire in a few weeks, so I had to go through the whole live chat experience (again) just to find out when my contract end date is and I was assured that the issue should be fixed within a month..... I highly doubt it as it's been broken for about 6 months already.

Sort it out Three for christ sake - how this ever got through a testing process is beyond me!