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Orphaned Account


I used to have 5 separate accounts for each of my family, which I managed with a single email across each of the numbers.  When system changes were made a couple of years ago I could no longer do this so had to create new email addresses so that I had a unique email for each number.....  very frustrating.

Now I have an active phone number but I don't know which email address was allocated to it - I can't log in to check nor can I re-register as advised .... the page states:  "If you gave us an email address when you joined Three, please use that one." - but I can't as it was the same email i used for all the numbers.... 

I can't even request a PAC code to get off Three! 

I can see direct debits going out each month and the number is still working for my son but I can't access the account.  When I called 3 they said the account number I have for the phone number couldn't be found!!  I spent 45 frustrating minutes on a call with support only for them to drop the line!!

What do I do??


To get your PAC, text PAC and your date of birth (DDMMYY) to 65075. We'll reply with your PAC and important information. If you're leaving before your contract ends, the text will include any early termination charges. Off the phone you want the PAC for. You’ll have to contact support if you want to find out the email address you used to register that particular phone number I’m afraid.