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Registered as a contract under my husband and still requested to make payment


I have a concern regarding my account. I am registered as a contract under my husband ( Olatilewa Alebiosu) and the bill has been deducted from his account. Therefore, it will be a double payment for me to pay. However, I got a message yesterday that I should pay my bills within 24 hours or service will be suspended. Please, I need your assistance 

Local celebrity

Try calling customer services on 333.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Olubukola,

@sc1999 is spot on here, you're best to get in touch, and the team will be able to check if there's been an issue with the original payment.

Scammers have been known to send texts like that from time to time too, so be careful of any messages that suggest that you need to urgently make a payment, particularly if they're linking you to do so online as this could be a phishing attempt to obtain your My3 details.

When a Direct Debit fails, we make a 2nd attempt one week later, unless the Direct Debit instruction has been cancelled. Usually an account is 1-2 weeks overdue before any suspension is placed.

Hopefully this general info helps clear up whether this seems to be genuine or not, if you can share an image or the wording of the text that may help us figure this out too. I'd definitely encourage you to contact customer services in any case, they have access to your Three account so will be able to provide a definitive answer.


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