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Sim Cancellation


When my old sim contract was finished I was given the option to upgrade - I took this and upgraded to a new 24month contract. 

However the old sim was not replaced! So I have been paying an extra rolling contract for the last 4 months. I have called multiple times to resolve this and have been assured it is cancelled every time. 

It has not been cancelled! I have been paying 36-45 pounds a month on this sim I do not use or even have anymore. 

My current contract I pay 8 pounds a month. So a significant increased financial burden. That isn't resolved after months of trying!

This is causing me significant distress that this issue is not resolved despite being told it has been cancelled several times over the last few months. Please just cancel the sim. I do not have the sim, I do not use the sim, I previously was a happy customer with 3 



Please contact Customer Service team to look into this further