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Still No Refund


So I have made a few refunds, as I use mobile phone billing. It’s been over 60 days, I have contacted live support and they’re saying no refunds are in process. Despite it being confirmed by apple they were refunded, and to contact my phone provider for updates. I want these refunds, and for them to be added on as credit to my bill. If not I am going to have to complain, as you are breaking the law. 

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Refunds appertaining to what? If you’re referring to refunds from Apple then they refund directly. Not sure really what your exact query relates to. Is it Three pay ?? Please elaborate so we can best advise you.


I pay for stuff on my phone via mobile phone billing, so yes that would be via three pay. 

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I’ve checked the Three pay terms and conditions and it’s says you have to contact Three customer service. I DO realise this isn’t particularly helpful but if Apple say they’ve refunded you,get proof from them. You can do this via the Apple support app and in that app search bar type in refund. If there’s any difficulties you can request a callback free of charge from them whereby you can speak to an Apple rep who can help you. The callback will be immediate. The apple support app is available via the App Store.


unfortunately they aren’t refunding me. It’s been confirmed by apple since Feb. And they’re saying they’ve had no confirmation from apple, I have sent in screenshots to proofs. But they said they havent got that information on their side.  Please help me. 


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@JonathanB Are you able to help at all pl? 🤞

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I’ve asked one of the forum staff moderators to see if they can help you!