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Apparent invalid certificate from 4G hub


I have recently moved over to a SERCOMM 4G+ Router for home broadband and since have noticed the following anomalies.

The admin interface does not appear to be using https and my browser is indicating it is insecure. It also appears to be accessible via its external IP address.

I also seem to have received a set of unreadable or coded SMS messages firstly from an apparent mobile no. of "454BCBC56" and then later from mobile no. "+447389131456" ( which I cannot identify.

My wifes iPad whilst using the BBC app has complained on more than one occasion about an invalid certificate from our 4G+ app.

Has my router been hacked? 

NB. I changed the default admin password shortly after installation and I have since changed it once more.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has experienced similar issues.




I'm using the same router bought secondhand from eBay. It gives an HTTP connection. APN is "3internet" so that's an allocated IP which I cannot reach from the outside world such as a phone on LycaMobile 4G. You could try hiding behind Three's CGNAT by changing the APN to "" but that involves a tiny hack (which has come in handy when I want to change the APN to run a LycaMobile SIM in the router - 266Mbps max compared to 166Mbps on Three).