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Connection is lost and No internet - Home BB 24M Unlimited 5G -NR5103E V2 White


Hi there, I'm using thee homebroad band 

Device: Three 5G Hub NR5103E V2 White
Contract: Home BB 24M Unlimited 5G

I'm in the 3rd floor of the building. Put the device the edge of the window.

But it turned out that it disconnected quite often and disturbed my job after 3months. ( didn't happened much on first and 2nd month )

so here are my questions.

1: Is there any way to make the connection stable? I've set 2.4GHz and 11 channel and 20Mhz for Bandwidth but any better solution that I can manage from web-based configurator?

2: Is it possible to use only 4G rather 5G? when I checked the coverage map, 4G is fine but 5G is the edge of the coverage.

3: Do I have to pay around ยฃ440 (remaining 20 months as contract, so roughly 20months * ยฃ20 ) if I cancel this because of their disconnection. and no way to avoid this?

Thank you in advance!



Thanks, I tried to disconnect but it shows 1Mbms ... 

Key player

Disconnect 5g if you can; set the channel after using a wifi analyser app.

It'll show which channels in your locale are most used; avoid those.

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