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FYI : IPv6 Prevented VPN Connection

Rising star

My wife uses VPN for work and one day she wasn't able to connect. I checked the router (Zyxel NR5103E) web-config and noticed the Primary/Secondary DNSv6 server addresses info were present which weren't before.

I tried disabling IPv6 in the WAN and LAN settings but internet service stopped.

I then enabled manual APN mode and changed from 3internet to and restarted the router. After restart, the IPv6 info was N/A and the VPN was able to connect. VPN also connected when APN was set to 3internet with manual APN enabled.

The strange thing was when APN Manual Mode was disabled and router reset, IPv6 info was displayed. It looks like the router was obtaining IPv6 and IPv4 info from Three if manual APN mode is disabled. This could be the PDP Type being set to IPv4/IPv6 automatically by Three where as in manual APN mode, I have it set to IPv4 only.



Hi. Have your download speeds been affected?


just wanted to say thank you for this post.. I’ve been on live chat for 2 hours with three and they didn’t have a clue about this problem.. finally managed to fix it because of this post so thank you


This has worked for my issue also !! it must be something to do with IP4/IP6 but I have no idea why !! I don't know what effect making these changes has on other connections through the Hub but my work will be happy to know I can connect ! still no idea why it changed all of a sudden today, will anyone from Three give us an explanation ??


Just wanted to add that I've had the same problem since last Friday (all home networking lost) and that @Anvil_Iron solution solved it immediately. Very greatful.

@JonathanB hopefully the more people that express this problem, something can actually be fed back to the right team at Three, it's very frustrating that something like this can happen.


Just +1 to this that disabling the IPv6 as detailed above fixed networking issues for me also. So second the motion that this hopefully influences the developers to fix once and for all.


Hi i had problems with sky q and sonos and i followed your instructions and now all is working thanks for the information its been really helpful which is a lot more than i could say about the three technical support phone service they told me it was sky and sonos problems not threes!!!


I can confirm this also worked for me - no need to change to IP6, just use the Three5GBroadband app to switch it over to from 3internet. It’s also saved issues on my phone’s personal hotspot.


I had the same problem,  y personal devices worked fine but unable to connect my work devices.  I thought it was down to the time and date not being correct on the hub (and it would not update via the servers).  I applied the above changes and work devices not working.  Time has also updated on the hub 😉 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @JimJam,

Sorry not sure if there's a typo in your post. Are you saying that the devices are "not" working or "now" working after trying this?


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


Hi all,

Thank you so much @Anvil_Iron, as well as @JonathanB, and @Kevwelhamster

The Three technical team ran me in circles getting a new router and new sim for this issue, declared their troubleshooting done, and did not solve anything. It is so unacceptable that they cannot offer any actual technical support and that the community are left to deal with issues that they cause with their systems.