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How to speak to a real network engineer


About 3 weeks ago I took on Three broadband and received a NR5103E. First day was brilliant with good signal strength throughout the house enabling me to place it in the hallway. Fast pings and 500+ mbps speeds.

Unfortunately this did not last long and we started getting either it just dropping out completely to no internet which wouldn't resolve until restarting the router (left if 8 hours as a test the once) or dropping down to 4G and crawling internet between 1 and 5 mbps with pings sometimes as high as 3500ms.

Support page says that there is maintenance in my area.

Two weeks ago I contacted support and after 90 minutes on chat and being passed around 6 times I was promised the network would be fixed in 5 days time. Since then things have gone from patchy to just permanently bad. In the household we have 3 times Three contracts (two phones and broadband) and noticed that the network issues were consistent across devices or where we stood in the house making it quite obvious that this is network and not device issue.

Contacting support today I've again been given the run around, this time 1h:40 on the chat. And yet again told it will be fixed in 5 days. I think that support just gives scripted answers so I'm not convinced anyone is actually looking into our local network issue. I had similar problems with Three mobile internet 4 years ago in our office and I've just checked and the status page is still showing maintenance in that area 4 years later.

Long rant but I what I really want to know is, is there any way to speak to someone who can actually tell me what's going on with the network? I asked on the support chat to speak to a network engineer but they just kept saying that they were the technical team even though they could give me no specifics of what's going on and suspiciously it will always be magically fixed in 5 days. 

Local celebrity

Try Three's social media team's chat as they seem to be able to arrange for a call back by an engineer.  I finally spoke to one who confirmed that the chances of work being completed in my area before my contract expires as being unlikely. 


Thanks, on Twitter is that? It's not like I'm waiting for them to build out the area. The original performance tell me there is a mast with good 5G near enough to me if it just works!


You never will, i have lost days of my life on the phone and chat to Three support, they are less than useless... they told me to leave if I'm not happy, currently looking at options.


Unlikely you get to an engineer. I've recently put approx 8 hrs of calls in over the same issue and, like you, the whole house is full Three hardware.

We are going into our 3rd week of limited or no connectivity.

The only thing you can do is ask for your complaint to be escalated, at least this way you may be compensated in someway.

I've spent a bit of time trying to locate the mast that feed us so I can drive out there and speak to the people supposedly working on the masts.  Get what's happening straight from the horse's mouth.  But I haven't managed to work it out yet.