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Ideas on recent lan problem I was having


I posted recently about devices in my house losing internet access every so often even though the router still said it was up. For some reason I thought of turning of ipv6 in the router and the problem went away. However, it struck me that the problem had been happening at roughly 4pm each day - every 24 hours - and I wondered if the DHCP renewal once a day could be causing it, if there are any people here that understand these things better? If so, is there an obvious reason why turning off ipv6 would fix it? I had read a few bits on google that suggested Windows sometimes has glitches like this, to do with it favouring ipv6 over ipv4.



I've had a similar experience while being connected using Cisco's AnyConnect VPN client. At random times, sometimes multiple times in a day, (so not IP renewal related) the internet on my PC would stop working. Network access would still there, but DNS completely broken. Our Network guy also suggested disabling IPv6 on the NIC, and I've never since experienced it. I now disable IPv6 summarily by default on any NIC that doesn't need it to avoid this weird an unwanted glitch.