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My 5G broadband keeps dropping


I have Three 5G Broadband from August 2023 and everything was fine until last week. Now the Internet it's dropping few times a day and start to be more often every day. What can be done?. 

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Mine does the same and after circa 8 wks 

It's also been throttled from 600 to 100

I took a 30 day rolling contract so I've given them notice 


Same, this has been an issue for me for the last couple of weeks and there is no obvious fixes. Great when you are working at home and your internet just randomly disappears multiple times a day

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I have spoken to Three so many times and it's like talking to the wall. 

I thought Talk Talk were bad but at least their service worked, and they wanted to help. 

I will try and put as many people off using Three as I can


Same. Been dealing with this since March. When I got it in Fed it was amazing, its getting worse and worse DAILY. They're saying congestion at the mast, but happy to take on new customers in my post code. 

Constant DNS issues, but not on my phone. I can switch off the WIFI and it starts working, reenabled the WIFI and get DNS issues. I changed my APN to the same as my phone, hopefully it fixes the issues. Maybe it'll work for you. 


Hi @Ducu99, I can't offer any help i'm afraid but wanted to clarify whether it was your speed that was dropping throughout the day, or whether your connection was locking up and your router requiring a reset a few times a day?

I have for quite some time dealt with having to reset the router now and again but the speed drop off in the past 3 weeks-ish has just been rediculous.  I've sung the praises of this mobile broadband for months to friends and family (I'm lucky enough to be in an area which was often getting 350mbps, sometimes 700mbps) but this past few weeks 5 to 10mbps would be good.  At times I get 1.5mbps and the kids can't even watch netflix or stream a song without constant stopping to buffer.

I don't know what's going on but something is different recently and it's not good.

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5 more days and my new fibre will be installed. 

Speed down to less than 100.

Noticed the 5g drops to 4g in the early hours. 

Connection stability is better but the service is not fit for purpose.