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New Conversation Format Change Suggestion

Rising star

I would like to make a suggestion to change the format when a new conversation is started/entered.

I would like to see extra fields for, "Hardware or Device", "Firmware version", "Where the Device was purchased from" and maybe "N/A" if unsure. There could be others but these would at least help the community get basic info from a post without having to ask for them. This would apply to all the forums.

I couldn't select all the forums so just posted this under Broadband.

What do you think? @JonathanB ?

Local celebrity

You could put those details in heading or body of your post. If we do this then where do we stop?

I do agree that we need more categories and to be able to select multiples.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @Anvil_Iron,

We'll take these suggestions into consideration. I do have reservations about adding more mandatory fields as this may discourage community members from posting topics.

I agree with your reasoning though, a couple of bullet points that mention the device, software, specific error messages encountered etc can often go a long way towards reaching a solution.

Do you think some pinned articles explaining the intended purposes of each forum, and giving suggestions on what sort of information should be included in posts could help? I'm also wonder whether members having signatures where they can list what devices they use would be a good addition?


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.

Local celebrity

There may something in this idea considering the information-less posts that seem to be proliferating. 

I would like to offer 2 options:

  • 1. It's Broke and a couple of mandatory fields such as item/part number and firmware. There would be nothing to stop the poster entering jibberish. 
  • 2. An embedded text message pointing out the basic information that needs to be included depending on the issue.

We have recently a few broken routers and but they cannot be bothered to say what their router type is. I won't go into the guesswork required with "my account does not work"

As an aside is it possible for moderators to accept solutions when the solution is clear but the poster cannot be bothered. It would solution searching easier if accepted solutions were highlighted at the to of the results.


Rising star

Hi @JonathanB , From an IT point of view, when logging a bug, it's mandatory to enter as much detail as possible to enable readings to understand and resolve the problem more effectively. I do understand about not putting people off from posting with too many requirements but it would be to their own interest to do so. They should know the basic info of their setup and equipment and should be able to find them.

It's a good idea to state what info is expected for each forum rather than making mandatory but would need to be visible.

Maybe extra labels for the most common hardware can be added.