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Occasionally lose the internet but there's no indication of a problem. Have to reboot. NR5103EV2


I've had this NR5103EV2 router for a month or so. Recently it has developed a new fault. All connected devices lose access to the internet. They have the WiFi connection but no internet. All the indicator lights on the router are good and if I log into the router it says it has a good signal. My Smarty phone is working fine on 5G during this problem. 

I have to re-boot the router and then it works fine.

Not sure what I can do about this. I'm considering buying another router but they are expensive.


Have you tried increasing the DHCP Server Lease Time in the router network admin page? Try setting it to a much longer time, say 31 days. Reboot the router after you have made this change. Some DHCP renewal requests can cause this behaviour on version 1 of the NR5103E router (the version I have).


It's worth a try but the thing that prompted my post this time was - I rebooted at about 9am as otherwise my VPN for work is slow. Then, during my 10am zoom call, I lost the internet in the way described. I've set it to 31 days anyway - can't do any harm!


But do you have to reboot? The v1 I have has an option to turn off WiFi. I have it set to got off an 23:30 then come on at 05:00. Try setting a scheduled WiFi shutdown for a few minutes at a convenient time to see if the WiFi resets nicely.


I see someone tells us this impacts wired connections too - not something I have tested. The thing is, I had just done a re-boot one hour before this failure so I don't think resetting everything regularly would help. I have considered a time switch on the plug to get over VPN problems - I have to re-boot it every morning or the VPN is slow. This is a really poor router! It happened 3 times yesterday. I wonder if it happens even more and I don't happen to notice as I'm not using the internet at the time.


This problem affects wired as well as wireless connections.

Not signal in + not Wi-Fi out = hub hardware, firmware or configuration.


Exactly the same thing here. I was considering reporting the hub as faulty but it sounds as though I would get the same issue with a replacement. @JonathanB, any help?

N. B. Signal is fine and wired connections are affected same as wireless so it's definitely a device/configuration issue.