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Slow 5g Router Speedson both Wifi and ethernet.



I've just recently got a 5G broadband Zyxel router and it is running very slow on speeds. The fastest I've experienced was 90Mbps at around midnight on 5G connection, but this is only very brief and usually fluctuates around 50-70Mbps. On 4G connection I experience barely 10Mbps. This is far below the advertised averages of 70Mbps on 4G and 150Mbps on 5G at peak hours. I am quite unhappy as the router is reading blue for both cellular connection and network connection suggesting good connection and 5G connection. Is there anything that can be done to improve speeds? Network coverage suggests no issues. I've tried connection to the router with both ethernet cable using a TP link and also directly into the PC and also a wifi connection. Nothing has got close to expected average speeds and I am quite disappointed and considering cancelling. What can be done to ensure faster more stable speeds?


I’ve had my router just over a year, never had issues until I was in an accident and my bill wasn’t paid due to me being in hospital. Come back out paid all my bill and I’m £50+ in credit and yet I can’t seem to connect my tv back to my router. Just says no internet 😫 

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Why are you jumping on someone else's thread?

Start your own, or why not call 3 on 333?


I'd have a look a (zoom out to find the UK, zoom in on your location) and click on the tower you think your router is connecting to. I've used that router briefly (only on 4G) and you can manually set the bands. e.g. on 4G Band 20 gives a better connection but lower speed than bands 1 & 3 so you could force it to ignore band 20. You'll get a weaker 4G signal that could well be faster.

Also, have a look on cellmapper for other masts. It could be there's one the other side of your house that may give better speeds.