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three as lots of problems three broadband snoops on your shopping habits for instance you will notice a slowing down when shopping online that is data collection snooping.
1 you need to turn off auto update that will stop them from changing your password back to the default password.
2 to get the fastest possible speed you need to change APN to

3 these settings can only be changed when you switch off the Router, from inside the broadband Router just click the turn off option from with in Router, then switch them back on after you have made the change from with in the Router, then logout of the Router.

APN to will improve everything. And to improve your privacy and all people need privacy you should use a VPN is cheap and known for being very reliable click and go it is easy.

You should never ever use a VPN when doing online banking you should always switch it off because it will set alarm bells ringing with your bank because you will appear to be coming from another country whichever country you chose choose with your VPN.

three uses a company to ban websites they pretend it is to protect children but you will find political websites have been banned depending on the political beliefs. And some amusing banning for instance the U.K. website for actors and actresses if you click on birthdays of these actors and actresses it has been banned you will be redirected to a three webpage telling you this website is banned. So if you want a free Internet experience use a VPN.



"" are you sure you're talking about APN ... and not Cloudfare DNS?

Did you know some routers don't give end users the chance to access APN settings? E.g. Three's Sercomm 4G. You need to specify which router you're fiddling with.

I have absolutely no trouble over many years accessing four different banks with VPN on. "never" is incorrect. Guess what, right now my phone has the VPN set to Germany, and my banking app is open just fine.

Not applicable

With respect;you’re sounding a little paranoid!


Things Like banking and PayPal will set a cookie on your device once it's verified, I never switch off my VPN and only have issues if I clear my cache/cookie data.

Not sure about Three page for banned websites though. Only time I've ever been redirected was when i first joined, but that was because the adult filter was on.

Could be a phishing scam, careful what details you give out.