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ZTE MC801 Modem in bridge mode IPv6


I recently has an issue where my Three modem, operating in bridge mode failed to give my router the correct IP details to my UniFi UDM router.

Instead of receiving an IPv4 WAN address I received  I now believe this to be caused by Three's rollout of IPv6, originally when using WhatsMyIp or similar I would see only an IPv4 address.  When I had the issue I saw IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.  Support have now made some changes and I now only see IPv4 and all is working again.


My router can use IPv6 but needs a 'Prefix Delegation Size'  with a value between 48 & 64.  Can anyone tell me what value I require for Three's IPv6 rollout?


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Community Moderator

Hi Richard,

I'll do some digging and let you know if I can find out anything helpful.


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I'm also experiencing a similar problem with my Asus router showing a WAN IP of when in bridge mode (no matter which socket I select). The only way I can access the internet is with the MC801A in Wireless Broadband Mode however this is far from ideal as port forwarding etc doesn't work.

Are you able to assist at all, either with getting everything working with IP6 or returning it to work with IP4 only?


Hi - I too have had number of drop-outs between my ZTE MC801 and my ASUS Router.  All has been fine for months then I had it drop out in the middle of night about a week ago.  Like the OP I had as the WAN IP on the Router which seems odd.  I fixed mine by turning off the 5G from the ZTE Web GUI and then changing the port the ethernet cable was plugged into (I know - not the cause) and changing the port being used in the Bridge configuration.  When I re-enabled the 5G all was fine (though I am still seeing on the router).
Happened again Sunday/Monday - this time I switched the ZTE config to Auto (rather than Bridge) and so far so good.  
But I would like to know if there is something else that should be done.  Up to now the service has been pretty reliable and quick.


To get bridge mode working on the ZTE B15 firmware:

Go to the APN settings - Settings -> Connection Settings -> APN

Add a new manual APN with the following parameters...

PDP Type: IPv4
Profile Name: Anything except '3internet'
APN: 3internet
Authentication: None

Click set as default, reboot your ZTE MC801A


Thank you, this has fixed my issue as well 😉


Thank you for this. I've been banging my head against a brick wall taking to live chat trying to sort this.


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