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My router signal the last few weeks has slowed down considerably.use to get speeds of 400+mbps now struggling to get 150mbps.I have tried a factory reset and pin reset but no change. Waiting for a replacement sim to see if that helps but not sure it will. Checked on the ZTE page and statistics show i’m getting kbps download and its drops constantly. Anyone have this issue? On the B15 software

Local celebrity

Your speed can drop for many reasons and a damaged sim is one of them. More likely to be a screw-up in a firmware update, contention or a tower issue. There seems to be a spike in router issues following firmware updates.


Thanks for the reply. I feel its more likely the firmware as the device was running fine before. I will try the new sim when it arrives and see what happens.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @John95m,

There's a number of users that have claimed that the ZTE firmware causes an issue like this, but the B15 update was rolled out several months ago, and there's a number of users that claim the issue started on the previous firmware update too. There's also similar reports although not as common with a few other models of router, but that's more likely down to the ZTE being our most widely used 5G router.

Are we showing any issues in the area on our Network Status Checker? This may help narrow down if there's any issues we're already working on locally. Let me know if the issue persists on the new SIM.


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Hi JonathanB

on the network status check says my post code is fine, no problems. I got a email this morning say my application for a new sim has been unsuccessful. So not sure where to go from here i will probably phone customer services up when im off this week.





Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Thanks @John95m,

Sorry it took a while to circle back round to your thread. Given the issue with swapping the SIM, and that there doesn't seem to be a relevant network issue we're working on, I'll refer you to an escalated support team. I've sent more detail in a PM

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