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google pixel fold fail


Anyone else having fun trying to pre order the google pixel fold 

I did my upgrade/pre order of the 20th of june and all was fine order had gone though had emails and everything was good then contacted three on live chat to check something and was told my order was stuck pending and would have to be canceled to come back to live chat in 24-48 to set up pre order again.

After 24 hour jumped on live chat to sort out order to be told google pixel fold is not available to pre order to try again in 24 hour again which i did and was told the same again i pointed out it was on three website to pre order and was told i will not work and would just get stuck pending again a case was open for me and was told to wait someone would be in touch soon 

A case manager rang me and said it he would get it sorted out and pre order would be done and would make sure i get a good price a few days later i got a call from case manager saying a member of the sales team would ring the following day (thur)

The next day (fri) my case manager rang to say the they we're doing upgrade to system and would get a call monday and he would call me on tue to check everything was ok and to sort out compensation as a sorry for all the messing around and hassle with in 2 min a member of the sale team rang me to sort it out he had no idea what was going on and start the normal sales pitch i told he what we going on and told he my case manager had said about upgrades and ringing on monday to which he said yes i can not do upgrade today will ring back monday.

On monday recived call from same sales member and was told i could have google pixel fold with same price on website told him about what case manager said he said was the best deal he would do so said i would leave it and talk to case manager.

On tuesday recieved call from same sales member again offered same price which i said no again then offered £2 cheaper so just said yes as just want to get it sorted and get pre order in place he then did everything and sorted out plan and all that to then tell me that the google pixel fold is not available to pre order to come back on aug 21 and can order that is when i ended the call.

My case manager has not called back and has not sent me his email address like he said he would so i have no way of getting hold of him he has also closed the case am now left with no pre order and at the end of my contact anyone else had any luck or do i go else where


Local celebrity

Looks like Google has delayed UK rollout until 23rd August due to worldwide demand. It's on Twitter but we all know how reliable that is.

Past experience says it will take 3 a week or two to make website adjustments. It's also possible that demand on 3 has outstripped supply and 3 have stopped taking preorders.

I expect a moderator will fill in the details.


yeah understand about delay but had pre order on the 20th of june first day pre order was live for them to cancel it and have been told every time iv tried to get me pre order sent back up that its in stock and available then told cant pre order 

also has been on website since 20th of june and still on there now to pre order 

Local celebrity

If 3 don't know what their stock allocation is going to be then new customers always seem to take priority over yhe loyal existing customers. At some point 3 may stop new orders until their allocation is gone.


dont think its anything to do with stock as they would have stopped pre orders a while ago uk date for the phone has been push back to the 21 aug to make more stock  available maybe the case manager should he sort it out not just closed the case and not called back and they could have just said it was stock levels and not messed me around for over a month