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Issue getting phone number ported across


Hi, wondering if anyone can help or have had a similar experience and knows how to get to the bottom of this.  I recently moved to Three Business and issued them with my PAC code from my old provider (Vodafone) for it to be ported across to my new contract. This was supposed to happen a week ago but it didn't. I contacted Three through live chat and was assured that the porting was in process, and the number would be ported across by the 10th at the very latest (yesterday). This still hasn't happened so I contacted support again and they now say that the porting didn't work and I need to ask Vodafone for a new PAC code as the old one has expired.

The problem is, I cannot get a PAC code from Vodafone as the contract has now cancelled and Vodafone say that Three have already claimed the number with the PAC code and it has already been released from their side. So they no longer own the number, and are not able to do anything.

So I have again got in touch with Three support this morning to say the above, but they are saying that the porting didn't happen on their end as the PAC code was expired when they tried to use it.

Surely they both can't be right? The number must be with one of them.  Vodafone suggested that 'Three should escalate this with the Vodafone team and that they should be aware of the backed process required from their end'.

But I don't have any confidence that the people I speak to on the live chat are knowledgeable enough to sort this out.

Any suggestions greatly received.

Many thanks



You need to speak to three business here.  


Hi thanks for the reply. I have tried three business multiple times, and each time they end up saying its not their problem.  Do you know if I should be asking to speak to someone in a specific department?

Many thanks


You probably need to speak with the number portablity team but I doubt you will be able to as they are probably a back of house team. You shouldn’t be getting fobbed off tho. I’m assuming the Vodafone SIM no longer works? PAC codes last for 30 days once issued so has it expired?  @KateS are you able to help? Failing this it might be worth your time raising a complaint via this page 


Many thanks @MZone . 

Correct the Vodafone sim no longer works, and I have spoken with them and they said that the PAC code was used by Three and on the back of this they ended the contract.  I'll try giving them another call and see if I can get anywhere


Good luck and let us know how you get on.


Hi @MZone - pleased to say after 5 working days Three finally ported the number across.

To get this resolved I raised a complaint, and also persisted with Three customer service, repeatedly requesting that it is escalated, despite their insistence that the problem was my end and I needed to get a new PAC code.  Eventually they agreed to escalate it, and a week later the number transfer worked.  Three called me yesterday and explained that it was an internal 'glitch' whereby they used the PAC code, but then the number became locked during porting.

My advice to anyone who has a similar problem in the future is to call Three customer service and just stay on the call until they agree to escalate the issue internally.


Glad you got it resolved although you had to be persistent.